

Why Homehub?

Home Hub is an app for remotely controlling and monitoring smart home devices like lights, thermostats, cameras, and more. It aims to enhance convenience, efficiency, and security by centralizing control over home automation.


Building Persona & Empathy Map

Crafting personas, empathy maps helps me deeply understand users' needs and preferences.

Personas provide a comprehensive view of user demographics and preferences, empathy maps offer valuable insights into their emotions and experiences. Utilizing these tools enables me to make informed decisions, ensuring that the smart home app meets the diverse needs of users effectively.

User persona

Empathy Map


Defining Problem and Envisioning Journey Map

Problem Statement and Hypothesis

After empathizing, I begin crafting the problem statement and hypothesis, drawing insights from both empathy and user personas. This ensures that the identified challenges and proposed solutions are deeply rooted in understanding the users' experiences and needs.

Journey Map

After this, I create user journey map to visualize the user's entire experience, capturing emotions, opportunities, and pain points. This comprehensive understanding further informs the design process, ensuring solutions align with user needs and expectations.


Crafting User-Centered Solutions: Stories, Flows, Wireframes

Following the creation of journey maps, I proceed to develop user stories, user flows, and wireframes as part of the ideation phase.

User Stories

User Flow

App Navigation


Visual Output

UI and Interaction Design

In developing Home Hub, my primary focus was on crafting intuitive interfaces that facilitate seamless management of smart home devices. I applied design principles to enhance aesthetics while prioritizing user engagement and functional efficiency. This involved accurately translating user requirements into visually compelling and user-friendly interfaces for controlling various aspects of the smart home.

Adjusting device setting

Interaction for adjusting bedroom light brightness.

Adding a New Device

Interaction for adding a new device that's not just functional but a joy to experience.


Creating automation routine for adjusting water heater settings at specific times.